In a video shared by Channels TV, Falana said in 2010, the same group of protesters who participated in Occupy Nigeria supported Jonathan when late President Yar’Adua’s cabal tried to prevent him (Jonathan) from becoming acting president.
He said these protesters risked their lives on the streets to support Jonathan. He said people often criticize the Occupy Nigeria protesters without remembering their efforts in 2010
In Falana’s words: “Nigerians are unfair when they talk of only the protest in 2012, In 2010 the same forces staged protest in Lagos and Abuja.
When Yar’Adua’s cabal said Jonathan will not be president of Nigeria or acting president, the same forces (Occupy Nigeria activist) went to the streets at the risk of their lives to say there is a constitutional provision for the transfer of power in Nigeria. People have forgotten that….Viêw_ More
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