Hamas Is Collapsing And Begging For A Ceasefire; We Must Continue Until Victory- Bezalel Smotrich

According to Al Jazeera, Bezalel Smotrich, the Israeli Finance Minister, has strongly advocated for the ongoing military campaign against Hamas, stressing that a truce is not appropriate at this time.

Speaking on the social media platform X, Smotrich declared, “Hamas is collapsing and begging for a ceasefire. This is the time to squeeze the neck until we crush and break the enemy.”

“To stop now, just before the end, and let them recover to fight us again is a senseless folly that will take the achievements of the war bought with much blood down the drain. We must continue until victory!” he urged, reflecting a sentiment that any pause in military operations could undo the gains made through the conflict.

His remarks coincide with a resurgence of activity in the negotiations between Israel and Hamas, where both parties appear to be considering the prospect of a truce.

The minister’s words highlight the conflict’s high stakes and continuous stress.

Many in Israel believe that maintaining military operations is necessary to guarantee security and stability over the long run.

Smotrich’s insistence on a resounding victory is indicative of a larger Israeli official aim to eliminate Hamas as a threat without giving the organisation a chance to rebuild.

Smotrich’s remarks are being made in the midst of increased international criticism and demands for a humanitarian ceasefire so that aid can get to Gaza’s impacted civilian population.

There is, nevertheless, a significant school of thought in Israel that believes the military campaign is essential to stopping such assaults and guaranteeing the security of its people.

There have been a range of responses both internationally and domestically to the resumption of talks between Israel and Hamas.

While some support ending the fighting in order to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza, others—like Smotrich—think that doing so will just encourage further fighting down the road.

The course of these talks is being influenced by strong sentiments on both sides, therefore the future of these conversations is yet unclear.

The outcome will have a major impact on the geopolitical landscape of the region, therefore the world community is still keeping a careful eye on things.

Smotrich’s stance is indicative of a segment of the Israeli leadership that regards any kind of truce as a tactical error….Discover _ More


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